
Outsourced legal services

Benefits of choosing outsourcing


At the time when tax rates, energy  resource and raw material prices are unstoppably rising, every trader thinks not only how earn more but also how to save more. So far, many companies have had their own lawyers or even legal departments. However, legal aid is one of the positions where you can save money by replacing a staff lawyer with outsourced legal services.

Benefits of choosing outsourcing are as follows:

- the merchant pays only for the services provided in the amount set out in the contract for the provision of legal aid and does not pay a salary to the lawyer, social and personal income tax, social security contributions and other allowances;

- it is not necessary to provide a working place to the lawyer together with equipment and accessories required for performance of job duties;

- The risk of possible expenses in the case of the lawyer’s temporary incapability, overtime work or work in holidays, is transferred to the external service provider;

- legal assistance will be provided not by one but by a number of experienced and knowledgeable lawyers who are able to qualitatively complement and substitute each other; substitution is essential in cases where the merchant must be represented before a court in a number of trials at the same time or in cases where the lawyer has a temporary incapacity, or is on leave.